I Won’t Forget Your Cake

Dear Sweet Bytes Customers and Future Customers,

Let me tell you a terrible story. The other day I was going about my business filling orders and preparing for Friday Pie Day. I was making my list and checking it twice when the phone rang. It was a very sad and desperate man. He had ordered a birthday cake for his wife. A 50th birthday cake. All she wanted was a Coconut Cake. He had ordered it in advance, doing his very best to be prepared in advance, with another Oklahoma City cake shop who shall remain nameless. (In fact, I didn’t even ask their name, but I probably should have.) They failed him. They didn’t make his wife’s birthday cake. When he went to pick it up, probably all excited to see it, they didn’t have it ready and they didn’t even have record of him ordering the cake. GASP! He was now in the dreadful position of trying to locate a coconut cake from anywhere that might have one. I didn’t. I felt awful for him though and I hope with all of my heart that he found one.


I tell you this terrible story to make you a promise. I won’t forget your dessert. If I don’t show up I will be near death or already crossed over and it will be no fault of my own, but it won’t be because I forgot. Our systems are designed to make certain your order is priority. It’s recorded online and in the trusty Pie Ledger. Plus, you will be one of a limited few orders that are being filled that day. It’s the least I can do when you trust me to bake something special for you!






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About Mikel Ibarra

Mikel Ibarra holds a BFA in painting, is a certified cake decorator, teaches baking and cake decorating classes, and frequently combines her passions for the sake of art. Sweet Bytes is where she shares everything she knows about the art of baking and running a baking business.