Sweet Life September 2018

Hello there!

This is Sweet Life #1! I’m going to start writing these little monthly summaries to document my process here in creating this website and just to blog a little old school. You know, personal stories, tmi, a look at reality in the bakery studio.

No pressure or #piegoals. Social media pressure is real when you are a blogger or trying to make an online business. I can’t imagine being a teenage girl with social media.

Needless to say, this slice shot didn’t make the cut:

A horribly disfigured piece of key lime pie on a white saucer

Ha ha, that wasn’t the LAST piece, that was the first piece of the key lime pie that I tried to cut. I knew better than to try and get a whole piece out in one swoop.

Still, I got cocky and went for it. EVERY SINGLE time I think I’m a pro, I am humbled. One of my life lessons is to surrender to the process of constant improvement.

It’s REALLY the end of September!

I hope that your September was all that you hoped it would be. The weather here in Oklahoma was amazing! It is hardly ever cool in September. Usually, it’s HOT. Really hot, just like August. This year we have been having real fall weather!

The leaves are even turning already. Woohoo!

One thing I am looking forward to this year is going on the Talimena Scenic Byway to see the fall leaves!

Have you ever been? I’ll post some pictures when we go, it’s supposed to be one of the best places to see autumn leaves in this part of the United States.

Oklahoma State Sugar Art Show

The other thing I’m looking forward to is the Oklahoma State Sugar Art Show and Grand National Wedding Cake Competition in Tulsa. It’s this upcoming weekend and it’s only $10.

The talent will blow you away.

Cake artists from all over the world bring cakes to display and enter into the competition. They always have some amazing talent lined up to give demonstrations and THE Kerry Vincent is always walking around handling business and talking to the crowd.

If you are into sugar art, you will be geeking out the WHOLE time.

The last time I went, I saw Karen Portaleo giving a sculpture demo, Joshua John Russell demonstrating all sorts of cake making, and Liz Merrick just walking around taking photos. Cakers, you can imagine I was fangirling (a bit.)

Back to my sweet life at Sweet Bytes

This month I really got cracking posting content here. I had planned on having this all mapped out and running by last April… but life.

I even had surgery in June that took 11 weeks to heal and start to feel whole again.

It was a hernia repair of a previous hernia repair. It was a rough surgery. BIG 11″ vertical incision, deep abdominal repairs. It still is a little ouchy.

Needless to say, there goes my bikini model career. Ha, it wasn’t really taking off anyway.

This is also my #3 child’s senior year in high school, so that comes with all sorts of meetings and paperwork and deadlines. I’m excited for him, but I keep bursting into random tears whenever I stop to think about it too much.

Moms understand. Bittersweet life.

High points of September:

  • Posted first recipes from Sweet Bytes
  • The Sweet Bytes Pinterest account is really growing!
  • #3 qualified for the National Hispanic Recognition Program
  • All of my plants lived through the summer.

Low points of September:

  • I realized I was human… again. Healing taking longer, writing taking longer, seeing growth taking longer.
  • Everyone went back to school and it’s lonely and quiet here.
  • I have some major things that I am avoiding because they are hard and I don’t want to.

On to October!

Yes, let’s move on to the holidays! I am SO looking forward to the holidays this year. What do you have planned?

If you feel like saying hi, please do! Leave a comment or send me an email!

If this was helpful, please share!

About Mikel Ibarra

Mikel Ibarra holds a BFA in painting, is a certified cake decorator, teaches baking and cake decorating classes, and frequently combines her passions for the sake of art. Sweet Bytes is where she shares everything she knows about the art of baking and running a baking business.